Sunday, May 29, 2022

5 Cool Movies Starring Cillian Murphy

5 Cool Movies Starring Cillian Murphy

The popularity of the PEAKY BLINDERS series makes anyone who watches it smitten with the classic Britannia mafia family situation. In addition to the interesting setting and storytelling, one of the charms of this series is the figure of Thomas Shelby, which was brought brilliantly by Cillian Murphy. This success has continued until PEAKY BLINDERS is now consistent in its sixth season.

Thanks to this series, the name Cillian Murphy is also increasingly iconic for movie goers. However, PEAKY BLINDERS is not the only iconic work from Cillian Murphy, you know. A series of other cool films also starred this 46-year-old actor. Anything?

1. Dunkirk

Harry Styles and Tom Hardy were not the only stars who succeeded in making DUNKIRK a top-notch film in 2017. This film directed by Christpher Nolan also hooked Cillian Murphy to play a short role as a soldier who suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

Although it has a short scene, Cillian Murphy's role is very important and full of emotion. He successfully portrayed the figure of a soldier with a complete sense of trauma due to war perfectly. It's no wonder that DUNkirK has won many awards.

2. Breakfast on Pluto

If PEAKY BLINDERS explores the fierce side of Cillian Murphy, then BREAKFAST ON PLUTO is just the opposite. She plays a transgender named Patricia Braden.

Cillian Murphy is the main character in the film, which was released in 2005, with a background story about him who was rejected by his family because it was deemed not in accordance with the nature of a man. Murphy has won a number of awards for his excellent acting in this film.

3. The Dark Night Trilogy

Prior to DUNKIRK, Cillian Murphy had worked with Christopher Nolan several times. One of the iconic ones is in the film THE DARK KNIGHT. The Batman film trilogy, led by Nolan, has succeeded in building a ruthless antagonist, namely Dr. Jonathan Crane which was executed perfectly by Cillian Murphy.

The main antagonist in this film is still the Joker. But Jonathan Crane, played by Murphy, also stole the attention because he was very suitable to play the maniac psychiatrist.

4. 28 Days Later

Throwback to 2002, Cillian Murphy was successful with the film 28 DAYS LATER. Led by director Danny Boyle, Murphy successfully visualized Jim's character as a survivor of a plague that attacked society. Appearing thin and pale like a disease survivor, Murphy is able to appear full of emotion and full of meaning for this character.

5. Inception

You could say Cillian Murphy is one of Christopher Nolan's favorite actors. Not without reason, because Murphy was also involved in the science-fiction mega project INCEPTION which won glory in 2010.

Murphy played the son of a wealthy businessman named Robert Fischer who later became iconic with another famous actor, Leonadro DiCaprio. Cillian Murphy's great role in this film also brought INCEPTION to four Oscar awards that year.

The five films from Cillian Murphy above must be on the list to watch in your spare time. Can be enjoyed at online movie outlets, make sure your internet connection is fast with 5G internet support. Guaranteed to watch streaming can be more exciting and without interruption. /