Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Lizzo Receiving Criticism After His New Song 'Grrrls' Was Considered Insane for People with Disabilities

Lizzo Receiving Criticism After His New Song 'Grrrls' Was Considered Insane for People with Disabilities
AP Photo/Anthony Behar

Lizzo suddenly reaped criticism after her new song entitled 'Grrrls' was judged to insult people with disabilities or disabilities. So what did Lizzo say about the criticism?

Singer Lizzo now has to face public criticism. Lizzo came under fire after her new song "Grrrls" was deemed to have insulted people with disabilities and disabilities.

The song was released on June 9, 2022. Now, the music video for "Grrrls" is still being watched by 370 thousand views. Due to the criticism received, Lizzo's music video has received 15 thousand dislikes.

The lyrics of the song that are considered insulting are suspected to fall in that section. "Are you seeing this shit / I'mma spaz," the song's lyrics say to the chagrin of some fans.

As a result, those who criticized Lizzo called for Lizzo's music to be removed from the streaming platform. Until this news was made, Lizzo still had not spoken about the sharp criticism he received.

The woman who owns the Twitter account @hannah_diviney was one of the parties who expressed her criticism of Lizzo. Hannah claimed to be a disabled person with Carebral Palsy. He admitted that he was angry and saddened by Lizzo's song.

"Hi @lizzo my disability Cerebral Palsy is literally classified as Spastic Diplegia (where spasticity refers to endless pain in my legs) your new song makes me quite angry + sad," wrote Hannah. "'Spaz' doesn't mean panic or crazy. It's a capable slur. It's 2022. Do better."

The account owner named Callum Stephen also showed his distaste with Lizzo's song. Callum said Lizzo's song indirectly sounded like an insult.

"I'm disappointed with @lizzo for using the word 'sp@z' in her new song 'Grrrls'. There's no reason to use capable insults in a song in 2022," said Callum. "As someone who champions women, big people and others who are mistreated by society, Lizzo teaches inclusivity and must do better." (wk/Side)