Jennifer Aniston reaps criticism after alluding to the many people who are now famous through TikTok, Instagram and YouTube. She also compares her hard work in the Hollywood entertainment world as an actress.
The beautiful actress Jennifer Aniston has recently become a public conversation. The reason is, Jennifer, who often reaps praise, was suddenly criticized by the public after commenting on the current Hollywood entertainment industry.
Through an interview with Variety's Actors on Actor's with Sebastian Stan, Jennifer said that the Hollywood industry is now filled with celebrities who are famous for social media. Jennifer even openly mentions a number of celebrity names such as Paris Hilton.
Jennifer said that people who are famous thanks to platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube actually don't do hard work. "The internet is really shaping a whole new culture of people being famous. These people being famous are basically doing nothing. I mean, Paris Hilton, Monica Lewinsky, all that stuff."
Jennifer then compared her career in Hollywood entertainment as an actress. He admitted that he was grateful because he was given the opportunity to experience the difficulties of a career in Hollywood thanks to his efforts and hard work.
"I feel so lucky that we got to experience a bit of this industry before it became what it is today," admits Jennifer.
The hard work that Jennifer meant was acting ability, many times following the casting if she wanted to play a movie and a myriad of other achievements. Instead of being popular thanks to content on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.
"Another streaming service. You're famous from TikTok, you're famous from YouTube, you're famous from Instagram," Jennifer exclaimed.
According to Jennifer, this culture only weakens the work of actors and actresses who are famous for their efforts and hard work. "It almost, like, undermines the work of the actor," Jennifer said.
Before long, Jennifer's statement went viral. Brad Pitt's ex-wife was suddenly criticized because her statement was considered insulting.
According to some people, one's achievements can also be started and found through the media. Not a few say that Jennifer became an artist thanks to her parents who are also known to be Hollywood actors, namely John Aniston and Nancy Dow.
"Jennifer aniston (baby nepotism) wants to talk about diluting actor jobs. Fine," said a Twitter user. "What is he talking about, he really came in because he was nepo lmao's baby," said another. "I miss when you can only be famous when you are already privileged and rich. That's what he said," added another. (wk/Side)