The Other Guy Movie (doc. IMDb)
Almost everyone understands that the world of work is tough and has very tight competition. Those who work well sometimes still can't get the best achievement, let alone those who work mediocre and have made mistakes?
Moreover, if in the workplace there is another person who is so competent and idolized because he is able to do all his duties well. It must be a very terrible thing for us to be able to compete, right?
The duo of police officers in New York City, namely Terry Hoitz (played by Mark Wahlberg) and Allen Gamble (played by Will Ferrell), are two figures who are not considered to be in the institution.
Not because they don't exist, but because the achievements they do and the work they do are mediocre.
In fact, Terry Hoitz has to work with great mental stress and burden because of mistakes he made in the past, while Allen Gamble is known as a detective who does not want to take risks in his work.
Thus, they both get the role of "The other guy" alias someone else in their police institution.
This is exacerbated by the existence of Christopher Danson (played by Dwayne Johnson) and his colleague, PK Highsmith (played by Samuel L Jackson) who are so shining, and become idols in fighting crime in the city. As a result, Hoitz and Allen became increasingly invisible and marginalized.
All changes for the two of them began when one day, Danson and his colleagues went on a pursuit of criminals. But unfortunately, because of the carelessness of the fruit of his own arrogance, both of them had an incident.
After the incident that happened to Danson and Highsmith, it was inevitable that an important task related to the investigation of a big capitalist boss, David Ershon, began to be taken over by Hoitz and Allen. Of course they were both clumsy at first.
However, as it turned out, over time they realized that both of them had good analytical skills, and could be relied on in investigations. Even in the end, they were both able to uncover an astonishing fact, which relates to the institution where they work.
Well, you know? What do you think it is? Find the answer in this The Other Guy movie, friends! Guaranteed to be fun and make us relax because it is packaged in a light plot and scene! /