Actress Olivia Wilde has reportedly won child custody of her two children after separating from her ex-lover, Jason Sudeikis, in 2020.
Hollywood celebrity couple Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis are known to have split up. The couple first dated in 2011 and then decided to separate in 2020.
From the nine-year relationship, Olivia and Jason have two children. Although not married, both Jason and Olivia fight for child custody. Even so, Olivia and Jason quite get along in sharing time with their children.
After separating and no longer living together, their two children, Otis (8) and Daisy (5) are known to often commute between Los Angeles, New York and London. They divide time to meet their beloved mother and father.
Interestingly, now reports are circulating that Olivia has won custody of her two children. The court ruled that Otis and Daisy would follow their mother and settle in California, Los Angeles.
It is known that Jason was the first to sue for child custody. He wants his children to live in New York, where he currently lives. However, Jason's way of attaching case documents to Olivia was deemed unreasonable.
As is known, the moment Olivia received a brown envelope while giving a speech on stage went viral. According to reports, the brown envelope contained a child custody case file that Jason had deliberately sent to Olivia in front of many people.
"Jason's actions were clearly meant to threaten me and catch me off guard. He was able to talk to me discreetly, but instead he chose to reprimand me in the most aggressive way possible," Olivia said in an interview.
Olivia did not accept and judged the attitude of the former lover to be unethical. Therefore, Harry Styles's lover filed a counterclaim and asked for child custody. She pleaded with the court to allow her children to settle in California, Los Angeles.
Luckily, Olivia's struggle was not in vain. The judge granted Olivia's request by deciding custody of the child fell into her hands. Until this news was made, Jason had not spoken at all regarding the court's decision.
"The fact that Jason would embarrass me professionally and put our personal conflict out in public in this way is against the best interests of our children," Olivia said. "Since Jason has made it clear that we will not be able to resolve this for the sake of our children outside the court system, I am petitioning for custody in Los Angeles." (wk/Sisi)